Adaptative design and management of a payment for ecosystem services scheme in Copan Ruinas, Honduras

  • R. Madrigal Ballestero
  • F. Alpizar Rodriguez
Keywords: economic incentives, drinking water, economic valuation, performance-based payments


This article presents a case study of development of a Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) program related to drinking water in the city of Copán Ruinas, Honduras. The methodology used for the design and the implementation of this program is based on an integrated and adaptive management approach. It includes the following elements: general diagnostic, definition of objectives, analysis of enabling conditions, technical design, implementation and evaluation. This paper presents the empirical results of the application of this methodology and, in particular, highlights the application of a performance-based payment system to remunerate local peasants in accordance to their land use decisions.


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How to Cite
Madrigal Ballestero, R., & Alpizar Rodriguez, F. (2008). Adaptative design and management of a payment for ecosystem services scheme in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. Forest Systems, 17(1), 79-90.
Research Articles