Participative forest planning: How to obtain knowledge

  • Xabier Bruña-García Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Dept. Producción Vegetal y Proyectos de Ingeniería. Instituto de Estudios e Desarrollo de Galicia (IDEGA). Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería, Campus Terra, 27002 Lugo
  • Manuel Marey-Pérez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Dept. Producción Vegetal y Proyectos de Ingeniería. Instituto de Estudios e Desarrollo de Galicia (IDEGA). Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería, Campus Terra, 27002 Lugo
Keywords: public participation, rural area, questionnaire survey, consensus, Fonsagrada-Os Ancares, stakeholders


Aim of study: To develop a methodology to obtain knowledge in public participation processes.

Area of study: Fonsagrada-Os Ancares (Spain), region located in the northern Iberian Peninsula.

Material and methods: This study proposes a new method for generating questionnaire survey in participative forest plan with four stages. The validation of this method is performed in the context of a tactical sub-regional forest plan.

Main results: The questionnaires based on criteria and indicators proved to be effective in obtaining key information for planning. The method used offers tools to reach the consensus on natural resource management, through the knowledge gained by selecting relevant information (preferences, opinions, and expectations) from past, present, and future forest activity, focusing on solutions to conflicts.

Research highlights: The use of appropriate indicators and criteria in the planning phase allows for obtaining knowledge concerning the preferences and future challenges for forest management.


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How to Cite
Bruña-García, X., & Marey-Pérez, M. (2018). Participative forest planning: How to obtain knowledge. Forest Systems, 27(1), e002.
Research Articles