Dynamic height growth model for Spanish and Tunisian cork oak (Quercus suber L.) forests

  • María de la O Sánchez González CIFOR-INIA
  • Boutheina Stiti INRGREF
  • Hatem Chaar INAT
  • Isabel Cañellas INIA
Keywords: base-age invariant, cork oak, Tunisia, Spain


Seven simple and advanced dynamic polymorphic functions were considered to develop a dominant height growth model for Spanish and Tunisian cork oak forests. Data from 115 stem analyses performed in two regions in each country were used to fit the equations. Parameter estimates were obtained using the Dummy variable method. Both numerical, graphical and biological consistency were used to compare alternative models. The dynamic equation finally selected was derived from the Hossfeld model by considering the shape parameter to be related to site productivity. An analysis of the dominant height growth patterns between the two countries indicated that the same dominant height growth model was valid for both countries. This dominant height growth model allows estimation of dominant height with a level of reliability of at least 83% from an age of 15 years for a prediction interval of less than 40 years.


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How to Cite
Sánchez González, M. de la O., Stiti, B., Chaar, H., & Cañellas, I. (2010). Dynamic height growth model for Spanish and Tunisian cork oak (Quercus suber L.) forests. Forest Systems, 19(3), 285-298. https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2010193-8495
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