Drought-induced growth decline of Aleppo and maritime pine forests in south-eastern Spain.

  • Raúl Sánchez-Salguero CIFOR-INIA
  • Rafael Maria Navarro Depto. Ingeniería Forestal, ETS Ing. Agrónomos y de Montes. Lab. Dendrocronología RNM-360. Universidad de Córdoba.
  • Jesús Juio Camarero ARAID-Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC).
  • Ángel Fernández-Cancio CIFOR-INIA
Keywords: basal-area increment, climate warming, dendroecology, drought index, Mediterranean forests, Pinus, thinning, tree-ring width.


Climate warming may enhance the negative effects of droughts on radial growth in areas with severe water deficit, such as Mediterranean mountains under semi-arid conditions. The impacts of drought on growth decline of Mediterranean pines have not been evaluated considering species with different vulnerability and areas with contrasting climates. Dendrochronological methods were used to assess the responses of basal area increment to drought in Pinus pinaster and P. halepensis plantations. We compared growth trends of trees with different defoliation degree in two sites in south-eastern Spain (Sierra de los Filabres and Sierra de Baza) with contrasting climatic conditions. In the more xeric area (Filabres) both pine species showed a sharp growth reduction in response to extreme droughts such as those observed in 1994-1995, 1999 and 2005. The radial growth of both species was enhanced by May and June precipitation of the year of tree-ring formation. P. pinaster showed higher defoliation in the xeric area (Filabres) than in the more mesic area (Baza) but needle loss was not linked to an abrupt growth reduction. Contrastingly, divergent radial growth patterns between trees showing high and low defoliation degrees were found for P. halepensis in the more xeric area, where a negative relationship between recent basal area increment and defoliation was found. Pine plantations in Mediterranean mountains under semi-arid conditions are highly vulnerable to warming-induced droughts. Such marginal stands constitute valuable monitoring systems to assess the negative impacts of drought on tree growth, and to test if management strategies as thinning can mitigate the negative impacts of climate warming on similar drought-stressed forests.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Salguero, R., Navarro, R. M., Camarero, J. J., & Fernández-Cancio, Ángel. (2010). Drought-induced growth decline of Aleppo and maritime pine forests in south-eastern Spain. Forest Systems, 19(3), 458-470. https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2010193-9131
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