Mycorrhization of containerized Pinus nigra seedlings with Suillus granulatus under open field conditions

  • J. S. Lazarevic University of Montenegro Biotechnical faculty. Podgorica, Montenegro
  • N. D. Keca University of Belgrade. Faculty of Forestry. Belgrade, Serbia
  • A. B. Martinovic University of Montenegro Biotechnical faculty. Podgorica, Montenegro


Seedling mycorrhization acts as an efficient tool for improving the quality of seedlings. In this study, the effectiveness of Suillus granulatus, originating from Pinus heldreichii forests (Montenegro), to produce containerized ectomycorrhizal seedlings of autochthonous Pinus nigra in open field conditions was investigated. Spore (106, 107, 108) and vegetative (1:16, 1:8, 1:4) inoculation on ectomycorrhizal formation and seedling growth were tested. Spore and vegetative inoculums of autochthonous Pisolithus arhizus were used in the same trial as additional control treatments. The utilization of vegetative and spore inoculums of autochthonous S. granulatus has proven to be an effective method of obtaining containerized ectomycorrhizal P. nigra seedlings under open field conditions after 11 months. S. granulatus spore inoculations resulted in well developed ectomycorrhiza, decreasing the growth of the P. nigra seedlings in the first growing season. Mycelial inoculations resulted in slightly developed S. granulatus ectomycorrhiza, which increased the growth of the seedlings. Therefore, it would be feasible to use spore inocula of S. granulatus, with 106 spores per plant, to produce ectomycorrhizal P. nigra plants on a large scale. Controlled mycorrhizal inoculation of seedlings is not a common practice in Montenegrin and Serbian nurseries; as such, the obtained results will contribute to the enhancement of nursery production of Pinus nigra and other conifers. This also could be assumed as a starting point for many further efforts and investigations with autochthonous fungal and plant material in this region.


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Author Biographies

J. S. Lazarevic, University of Montenegro Biotechnical faculty. Podgorica, Montenegro
Department for Forestry
N. D. Keca, University of Belgrade. Faculty of Forestry. Belgrade, Serbia
Department for forest protection


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How to Cite
Lazarevic, J. S., Keca, N. D., & Martinovic, A. B. (2012). Mycorrhization of containerized Pinus nigra seedlings with Suillus granulatus under open field conditions. Forest Systems, 21(3), 498-507.
Research Articles