Variation of equilibrium moisture content of cork with relative humidity. Nonlinear regression models for sorption isotherms

  • J. R. Gonzalez Adrados INIA
  • R. M. Calvo Haro INIA
Keywords: Sorption, corck, non-linear regression, cork moisture, equilibrium moisture, hygroscopic materials


Water sorption by cork and its relation with relative humidity and temerpature of the air are studied in this work. Particularly, variation of cork moisture content when relative humidity grows up, for a given temperature (20ºC and 40ºC) is analyzed (sorption isotherms). Non-linear regression techniques are used to compare different models. It may be concluded that the EMPIRICAL model P1 P3 M = —— + —— + ε P2 P4 — - 1 — +1 H H is the one that better fits the experimental data. Resultant curves show the typical sigmoidal shape of hygroscopic materials. Both terms of the equation show the two forms of sorption (monolayer and multilayer) present, following the BET theory.


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How to Cite
Gonzalez Adrados, J. R., & Calvo Haro, R. M. (1994). Variation of equilibrium moisture content of cork with relative humidity. Nonlinear regression models for sorption isotherms. Forest Systems, 3(2), 199-209.
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