Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with declined Pinus pinaster stands in Spain

  • Gonzalo Álvarez Instituto Universitario de Investigación y Gestión Forestal Sostenible. Universidad de Valladolid-INIA. Palencia.
  • Mercedes Fernández Instituto Universitario de Investigación y Gestión Forestal Sostenible. Universidad de Valladolid-INIA. Palencia.
  • Julio J. Diez Instituto Universitario de Investigación y Gestión Forestal Sostenible. Universidad de Valladolid-INIA. Palencia.


Aim of study: We studied the presence of fungi and distribution patterns in relation to the health status of declining Pinus pinaster trees.

Area of study: Trees in two declining stands in Central Spain were allotted to three declining classes...

Material and Methods: Trees in two declining stands in Central Spain were allotted to three declining classes (healthy, declining and recently dead) and 3 trees of each class were felled in each stand. Wood slides (phloem and xylem) were taken at six positions along the trees and samples collected from fungal identification.

Main results: A total of 21 fungal taxa were isolated and identified; eleven of these species belonged to the Ophiostomatoid group. Ophiostoma minus was the most frequently isolated fungus and was identified in 22% of the samples, mainly associated to dead and diseased trees.

Research highlights: Together these results suggest a putative association of O. minor with the decline in this area, and thus we suggest paying more attention to this fungus as a potential agent of decline in P. pinaster stands.

Key words: Ophiostomatoid fungi; forest pathology; bluestain fungi; multivariate analyses.

Abbreviations: UTM: Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system; MEA: Malt Extract Agar; DNA: Deoxyribonucleid acid; ITS: Internal Transcribed Spacer; BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool; CCA: Canonical Correspondence Analyses; PWN: Pine Wood Nematode.


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Author Biography

Julio J. Diez, Instituto Universitario de Investigación y Gestión Forestal Sostenible. Universidad de Valladolid-INIA. Palencia.
Professor in Forest Pathology/Catedrático de Patología Forestal



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How to Cite
Álvarez, G., Fernández, M., & Diez, J. J. (2015). Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with declined Pinus pinaster stands in Spain. Forest Systems, 24(1), e006. https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2015241-05707
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