Regional model for land hunting game potential evaluation

  • C. G. Hernandez Diaz-Ambrona Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
  • D. Gonzalez de la Camara Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
Keywords: Model, Wildlife, Potential habitat, Land conservation, Hunting game


A model to evaluate land hunting game potential is calculated from ecological factors such as temperatures and precipitations, forest and crop distribution, land height and cover by plants, that are compared with the biological needs of eleven hunting animals. The model application has taken place in Teruel (Spain). The minimum land unit was the hunting closed inside the county. Two data bases were made for actual and potential habitat, and a geographical information system was used. The result shows a high approximation between potential habitat values and the real situation. The differences between both values are a characteristic of the level of land conservation. Only a 6 % of land has an adequate habitat for red deer. This percentage is reduced to 3 % for Ibex, the actual uses of both areas presents higher differences. Red deer and ibex have the highest hunting value, these results limit the game conditions of this area.


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How to Cite
Hernandez Diaz-Ambrona, C. G., & Gonzalez de la Camara, D. (1999). Regional model for land hunting game potential evaluation. Forest Systems, 8(1), 25-47.
Research Articles