Growth experiment trials. Permanent, temporal and interval plots

  • K. v. Gadow Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • A. Rojo Alboreca Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • J. G. Álvarez González Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • R. Rodríguez Soalleiro Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Forest research, Growth models, Yield tables, Inventory, Permanent plots, Temporal plots, Interval plots


The paper evaluates three types of temporal design of growth experiments: permanent, temporary and interval. Among the disadvantages of permanent plots are the high costs of the research infrastructure and the long wait for data while temporary plots cannot provide information about the rates of change of state variables. Interval plots, measured twice and spread over a range of growing sites, development stages and silvicultural treatment categories, combine the advantages of the permanent and the temporary designs.


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How to Cite
v. Gadow, K., Rojo Alboreca, A., Álvarez González, J. G., & Rodríguez Soalleiro, R. (1999). Growth experiment trials. Permanent, temporal and interval plots. Forest Systems, 8(3), 299-310.
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