An approximation to the dynamics of the Galician forests. Stocks and evolution of forest types in Pontevedra province

  • O. García Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Galicia, Planning, Markov matrices, Scenario models, Yield, Land use, Forest resources


Some tools for studying the future of the forestry sector in Galicia, Spain, are presented. Sample plots from successive national forest inventories are first used to estimate historic trends and the current condition of the forests. Then, this information is used to develop a Markov matrix model that can project future areas by forest type. Finally, we examine approaches for estimating age distributions and timber yields, necessary for the application of more detailed planning models.


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How to Cite
García, O. (2001). An approximation to the dynamics of the Galician forests. Stocks and evolution of forest types in Pontevedra province. Forest Systems, 10(2), 291-310.
Research Articles