Responses of plants to soil flooding

  • J. A. Pardos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
Keywords: flooding, ethylene, waterlogging stress, riparian forests


Firstly, flooding is considered from the point of view of plants, afterwards from an edaphological perspective by taking into account the limitation of oxygen in hydromorphic soils and changes on them, specially ethylene accumulation. Waterlogging is shown as a kind of stress to plants. Mechanisms of flood tolerance are described and the influence of taxon, plant age, temporality and soil is emphasized. The effects on seed germination and establishment of riparian species on flooded soils are shown. The anatomical and physiological symptoms induced by waterlogging are enumerated and related to the overproduction of ethylene by the plants, its exogenous application being the cause of similar effects on them. A description of the effects and resistance to waterlogging stress (artificially induced) in some representative forest trees, finishes the revision.


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How to Cite
Pardos, J. A. (2004). Responses of plants to soil flooding. Forest Systems, 13(S1), S101-S107.
Research Articles