Optimal forest rotation when taxes are included in the analysis. The case of poplar in Castilla y León

  • V. Esteban López Universidad de Valladolid
  • E. Casquet Morate Universidad de Valladolid
  • L. Díaz Balteiro Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
Keywords: optimal rotation, taxes, afforestation, forest economics


Spanish current legislation doesn’t include any specific section where all taxes linked to the forest activity are jointly integrated. In the last years, an increase interest has been found toward the forest sector, due to the adoption of several changes in some taxes. In this paper we check how the financial optimal rotation corresponding to a fast growth plantation (Populus sp.) varies when taxes are included in the analysis. When Faustmann solution is applied, the profitability from investment scenario including taxes will also be obtained. The results show a moderate inelasticity of the financial optimal rotation when taxes are including in the analysis.


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How to Cite
Esteban López, V., Casquet Morate, E., & Díaz Balteiro, L. (2005). Optimal forest rotation when taxes are included in the analysis. The case of poplar in Castilla y León. Forest Systems, 14(1), 122-136. https://doi.org/10.5424/srf/2005141-00878
Research Articles