Effects of the crisis in the resin sector on the demography of rural municipalities in Spain

  • S. F. Ortuño Perez Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal. ETSI de Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid.
  • F. Garcia-Robredo Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal. ETSI de Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid.
  • E. Ayuga Tellez Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal. ETSI de Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid.
  • C. Fullana Belda Univesrsidad Pontificia de Comillas. C/ Alberto Aguilera, 23. 28015 Madrid.


Aim of study: The aim of this work is to test the positive effect of a substantially developed resin sector on rural demographic evolution. This work shows how in the period between 1970 and 2010 the demographic decline in the interior regions of Spain was more pronounced in areas characterized by the importance of resin-producing forest stands compared to other nearby rural municipalities where this natural resource is not present.

Area of study: The study area consists of a set of rural municipalities in Central Spain, both resin and non-resin producing, in the provinces of Segovia, Avila, Valladolid, Burgos, Soria, Cuenca and Guadalajara.

Material and methods: The relationship between resin production and population in resin and non-resin producing municipalities was modeled by means of linear regression analysis.

Main results: Generally speaking, between 1950 and 1970 the production of resin halted demographic decline in the regions where this activity was substantially developed. However, when the resin sector entered into crisis in the 1970s, and the economic repercussions of this activity gradually ceased to be felt, the demographic decline in the regions which had been involved in resin production was much more acute than in other non-resin-producing rural areas.

Research highlights: This work shows the relationship between resin extraction activity and population evolution in rural municipalities. Sustainable resin exploitation can contribute to the maintenance and development of rural communities, and should be used as a tool for generating employment in rural areas.

Key words: demography; economic crisis; resin sector; rural development.


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Author Biographies

S. F. Ortuño Perez, Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal. ETSI de Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid.

Profesor Contratado Doctor

Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal

F. Garcia-Robredo, Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal. ETSI de Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid.

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal

E. Ayuga Tellez, Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal. ETSI de Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid.

Profesora Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Economía y Gestión Forestal

C. Fullana Belda, Univesrsidad Pontificia de Comillas. C/ Alberto Aguilera, 23. 28015 Madrid.

Propio Adjunto

Departamento de Gestión Financiera


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How to Cite
Ortuño Perez, S. F., Garcia-Robredo, F., Ayuga Tellez, E., & Fullana Belda, C. (2013). Effects of the crisis in the resin sector on the demography of rural municipalities in Spain. Forest Systems, 22(1), 39-46. https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2013221-02403
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