Biogeoclimatic classifications: land models useful for ecological forest studies

  • R. Elena Rosselló Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
Keywords: land ecological modelling, stratified sampling, Spain, landscape spatial composition


This paper deals with the usefulness of biogeoclimatic land classifications in the development of forest ecological studies, at the ecosystem level on forest site surveys, as well as at supra-ecosystem level on landscape studies. For these purposes, two past experiences carried out in Spain using the ITE land classification system, are reviewed. As a first example, a land classification developed at sub-regional level is used as sample stratification framework for modelling the land suitability for Pinus nigra subesp. nigra plantations of Navarre. The required methodological phases are described, until the final design of a land model useful for forest managers and planners. As a second example, it is analysed the usefulness of the biogeoclimatic land classification of Spain (CLATERES) as sample stratification system for ecological landscape monitoring. The model validation is achieved by testing the correlation among CLATERES land stratification and landscape composition of a sample of 206 land units belonging to the Spanish network of rural landscapes (REDPARES). A highly significant correlation among biogeoclimatic classes and landscape composition classes allow us to use CLATERES as a geo-statistical model able to extrapolate to the whole Spain the results obtained from 206 REDPARES landscapes.


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How to Cite
Elena Rosselló, R. (2004). Biogeoclimatic classifications: land models useful for ecological forest studies. Forest Systems, 13(S1), S63-S74.
Research Articles