Survival analysis of orange tree varieties in Spain

  • Francisco Alcon Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. ETSIA, Dept. Economía de la Empresa. Pº Alfonso XIII, 48. 30203 Cartagena (Murcia)
  • M. Angeles Fernández-Zamudio IVIA, Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible (CDAS). Ctra. CV 315 Km 10,7 Moncada- (Valencia)
  • Erasmo I. López-Becerra Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. ETSIA, Dept. Economía de la Empresa. Pº Alfonso XIII, 48. 30203 Cartagena (Murcia)
  • M. Dolores de-Miguel Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. ETSIA, Dept. Economía de la Empresa. Pº Alfonso XIII, 48. 30203 Cartagena (Murcia)
Keywords: longevity, duration analysis, attributes, varietal composition, introduction of varieties


The fundamental basis of Spanish citriculture is its varietal composition, which contributes to the existence of a marketing calendar that extends to almost the entire year. As time goes by, the supply of varieties is continuously renewed, requiring significant investments by growers. The guarantee of a quality supply to the markets, on one hand, and the optimal result of the investments made, on the other, require that, in managing the sector, the characteristics determining the survival of the varieties be taken into account. The main purpose of this study was therefore to assess the influence of the attributes affecting the longevity of orange plantations from a technical and commercial point of view. The duration analysis technique applied to the different varieties has been used. The main attributes determining the elimination of a variety were the presence of seeds in the fruit and the tendency towards a decrease in surface size. Permanence- or survival-friendly attributes included the calibre (large size of the variety, within its group) and the price received by farmers. Precocity, frost resistance, commercial quality and resistance to fruit fly did not have the expected level of significance.


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Author Biography

M. Angeles Fernández-Zamudio, IVIA, Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible (CDAS). Ctra. CV 315 Km 10,7 Moncada- (Valencia)


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How to Cite
Alcon, F., Fernández-Zamudio, M. A., López-Becerra, E. I., & de-Miguel, M. D. (2019). Survival analysis of orange tree varieties in Spain. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 17(1), e0103.
Agricultural economics