Characterization of traditional tomato varieties grown in organic conditions

  • F. Gonzalez-Cebrino
  • M. Lozano
  • M. C. Ayuso
  • M. J. Bernalte
  • M. C. Vidal-Aragon
  • D. Gonzalez-Gomez
Keywords: bioactive compounds, landrace, organic horticulture production, quality, Solanum lycopersicum


Organic horticulture is a sustainable agricultural model that can provide high quality products and allows conservation
of genetic diversity. Traditional tomato varieties are well adapted to organic production and they have the organoleptic
characteristics demanded by consumers. Seven traditional tomato varieties were studied: BGV-001020, BGV-000998,
BGV-001000, BGV-004123, CIDA-44-A, CIDA-62, CIDA-59-A, and they were compared with a tomato Marmandetype commercial cv. ‘Baghera’, all them grown under organic production. Several quality variables were measured to
establish whether any of the traditional varieties might be suitable for commercial production. CIDA-62 was shown to be the most promising variety. It produces tomatoes of very high quality under organic conditions. It excels in terms of bioactive compounds such as vitamin C (459.22 mg kg–1 fw) and lycopene (62.25 mg kg–1 fw) and in its total antioxidant activity (43.58 mg Trolox/100 g fw). It is also outstanding in terms of its sugar content (4.56% fructose and glucose combined) and of its total soluble solids content (6.22°Brix). All of these variables are associated with both sensory quality and health benefits. Other varieties that emerged with relatively high levels of total soluble solids content, lycopene, vitamin C and total antioxidant activity were BGV-004123 and BGV-001020.


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Author Biographies

F. Gonzalez-Cebrino
Instituto Tecnológico Agroalimentario de Extremadura. Junta de Extremadura. Ctra. San Vicente, s/n.
06071 Badajoz. Spain
M. Lozano
Instituto Tecnológico Agroalimentario de Extremadura. Junta de Extremadura. Ctra. San Vicente, s/n.
06071 Badajoz. Spain
M. C. Ayuso
Escuela de Ingenierías Agrarias. Universidad de Extremadura. Ctra. Cáceres, s/n. 06007 Badajoz. Spain
M. J. Bernalte
Escuela de Ingenierías Agrarias. Universidad de Extremadura. Ctra. Cáceres, s/n. 06007 Badajoz. Spain
M. C. Vidal-Aragon
Centro Universitario Santa Ana. Apdo. de Correos 90. 06200 Almendralejo (Badajoz). Spain


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How to Cite
Gonzalez-Cebrino, F., Lozano, M., Ayuso, M. C., Bernalte, M. J., Vidal-Aragon, M. C., & Gonzalez-Gomez, D. (1). Characterization of traditional tomato varieties grown in organic conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(2), 444-452.
Plant breeding, genetics and genetic resources