Effects of two types of sprinklers and height in the irrigation of sugar beet with a centre pivot

  • J. N. Ortiz Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”. Barquisimeto
  • J. M. Tarjuelo Regional Centre of Water Research (CREA), Castilla-La Mancha University, 02071 Albacete
  • J. A. De Juan Regional Centre of Water Research (CREA), Castilla-La Mancha University, 02071 Albacete
Keywords: Beta vulgaris L., fixed spray plate sprinklers, rotating spray plate sprinklers, soil water uniformity, water application uniformity


The main objective of this paper is to analyse the effects of sprinkler type and height above the ground on soil water uniformity (CUs) and sugar beet yield. Irrigation was performed with a centre pivot operating under field conditions with two types of sprinklers, one with a stationary plate (SPS) and the other with a moving plate (MPS), at two heights (1 and 2.5 m). The average coefficient of uniformity (CU) of water application of individual irrigation events with SPS ranged from 74 to 81%, compared to nearly 90% from MPS. The value of the cumulative coefficient of uniformity for the set of irrigation events (CUa) for all sprinkler-height combinations exceeded 90%, a value similar to that obtained for CUS. Results do not show a clear advantage in the final crop response by using sprinklers with MPS or SPS. However, MPS, and especially those located at 1 m in height with a spacing of 1.5 m, have higher water application uniformity, achieving higher yield and yield indexes, as well as higher water use efficiency. The final yield of sugar beet was more influenced by the amount of soil water available for the crop than the small differences in soil water uniformity obtained with the centre pivot.


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How to Cite
Ortiz, J. N., Tarjuelo, J. M., & De Juan, J. A. (2012). Effects of two types of sprinklers and height in the irrigation of sugar beet with a centre pivot. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(1), 251-264. https://doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2012101-327-11
Water management