Employing social accounting matrix multipliers to profile the bioeconomy in the EU member states: is there a structural pattern?

  • George Philippidis (1) European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS). 41092 Seville (3) Aragonese Agency for Research and Development (ARAID), Unit for Agrifood Economics and Natural Resources, Centre for Food Research and Technology (CITA), Government of Aragón. Zaragoza (4) University Loyola Andalusia, Dept. Economics. 41014 Palmas Altas (Seville)
  • Ana I. Sanjuán (1) European Commission. Joint Research Centre (JRC). Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS). Edificio Expo. C/Inca Garcilaso, 3. 41092 Seville (2) Centre for Food Research and Technology (CITA), Government of Aragón, Unit for Agrifood Economics and Natural Resources. 50059 Zaragoza
  • Emanuele Ferrari European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS). 41092 Seville
  • Robert M'barek European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS). 41092 Seville
Keywords: SAM, forward and backward-linkage multipliers, employment multipliers


The concept of 'bioeconomy' is gathering momentum in European Union (EU) policy circles as a sustainable model of growth to reconcile continued wealth generation and employment with bio-based sustainable resource usage. Unfortunately, in the literature an economy-wide quantitative assessment covering the full diversity of this sector is lacking due to relatively poor data availability for disaggregated bio-based activities. This research represents a first step by employing social accounting matrices (SAMs) for each EU27 member encompassing a highly disaggregated treatment of traditional 'bio-based' agricultural and food activities, as well as additional identifiable bioeconomic activities from the national accounts data. Employing backward-linkage (BL), forward-linkage (FL) and employment multipliers, the aim is to profile and assess comparative structural patterns both across bioeconomic sectors and EU Member States. The results indicate six clusters of EU member countries with homogeneous bioeconomy structures. Within cluster statistical tests reveal a high tendency toward 'backward orientation' or demand driven wealth generation, whilst inter-cluster statistical comparisons by bio-based sector show only a moderate degree of heterogeneous BL wealth generation and, with the exception of only two sectors, a uniformly homogeneous degree of FL wealth generation. With the exception of forestry, fishing and wood activities, bio-based employment generation prospects are below non bioeconomy activities. Finally, milk and dairy are established as 'key sectors'.


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How to Cite
Philippidis, G., Sanjuán, A. I., Ferrari, E., & M’barek, R. (2014). Employing social accounting matrix multipliers to profile the bioeconomy in the EU member states: is there a structural pattern?. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(4), 913-926. https://doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2014124-6192
Agricultural economics