The role of ecological infrastructure on beneficial arthropods in vineyards

  • Kristijan Franin University of Zadar, Dept. of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture. Mihovila Pavlinovića b.b., 23 000 Zadar
  • Božena Barić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Agricultural Zoology. Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10 000 Zagreb
  • Gabrijela Kuštera University of Zadar, Dept. of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture. Mihovila Pavlinovića b.b., 23 000 Zadar
Keywords: spiders, beneficial insects, diversity, weeds


Weeds and non-cultivated plants have a great impact on abundance and diversity of beneficial arthropods in agriculture. The main aim of this work was to study the influence of the ecological infrastructure (meadows and weedy margins) on the arthropod composition in vineyard surrounding landscape. Research was carried out from May to October during three years. Sampling took place in the ecological infrastructure of three differently managed vineyards (organic, integrated and extensive). Three zones were chosen in each vineyard (3 m, 10 m, and 30 m from the edge of the vineyard). Samples were taken using a standardised sweep net method. In total, we captured 6032 spiders and 1309 insects belonging to 4 orders and 10 families. Arthropod fauna was numerically dominated by Aranea (82.1%); among insects, Coleoptera was the most abundant taxonomic group (10.6%); Neuroptera showed the lowest value (0.88%). Significant differences were found between sites and zones. Organic vineyard showed the highest abundance of arthropods (92.41% were spiders) and in the integrated vineyard there was a 23% of insects. Both the highest abundance of arthropods and the highest Shannon Index value (2.46) was found 3 m away from the edge of the vineyard. Results showed that spiders were the dominant arthropods and ladybugs the dominant insects. Weedy strips near the edge of the vineyard contained a high number of insects and spiders. Our results support the importance of weedy margins in enhancing the population of arthropods as well as in biodiversity promotion. Well-managed field margins could play important role in biological control of vineyard pests.


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How to Cite
Franin, K., Barić, B., & Kuštera, G. (2016). The role of ecological infrastructure on beneficial arthropods in vineyards. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(1), e0303.
Agricultural environment and ecology