Innovation behaviour and the use of research and extension services in small-scale agricultural holdings

  • Rosmery Ramos-Sandoval Universitat Politècnica de València, Group of International Economics and Development, Dept. of Economics and Social Sciences. Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia
  • Jose M. García-Álvarez-Coque Universitat Politècnica de València, Group of International Economics and Development, Dept. of Economics and Social Sciences. Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia
  • Francisco Mas-Verdú Universitat Politècnica de València, Group of International Economics and Development, Dept. of Economics and Social Sciences. Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia
Keywords: market orientation, learning orientation, innovation attitude, agricultural innovation system, farmer’s innovativeness, structural equation model


Farmers’ views on research and extension services (RES) included in the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System are rarely investigated. This study analyses the relationship between key factors of innovation behaviour (market orientation, learning orientation, and innovation attitude) and the use of RES through structural equation modelling, focusing on small-scale agricultural holdings. Market orientation and learning orientation appear to be positively correlated, confirming that synergies between both factors provide a background for innovativeness. Learning orientation and farm-holders’ education level, improve knowledge exchange and make the agriculture innovation process more inclusive. However, farmers’ innovation attitude is not clearly correlated with the use of RES. Motivations about “the will to do innovations” are represented by a construct that does not appear to have a determinant effect as a mediator in farmer’s decisions about using RES.


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How to Cite
Ramos-Sandoval, R., García-Álvarez-Coque, J. M., & Mas-Verdú, F. (2017). Innovation behaviour and the use of research and extension services in small-scale agricultural holdings. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(4), e0106.
Agricultural economics