Short communication: Occurrence of angular leaf spot caused by Pseudocercospora griseola in Phaseolus vulgaris in Asturias, Spain

  • Elena Landeras Laboratorio de Sanidad Vegetal, Consejería de Desarrollo Rural y Recursos Naturales del Principado de Asturias. C/ Lucas Rodríguez Pire 4-bajo, 33011 Oviedo, Asturias
  • Estefanía Trapiello Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario (SERIDA). Ctra. de Oviedo s/n, 33300 Villaviciosa, Asturias
  • Máximo Braña Laboratorio de Sanidad Vegetal, Consejería de Desarrollo Rural y Recursos Naturales del Principado de Asturias. C/ Lucas Rodríguez Pire 4-bajo, 33011 Oviedo, Asturias
  • Ana J. González Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario (SERIDA). Ctra. de Oviedo s/n, 33300 Villaviciosa, Asturias
Keywords: bean, Phaeoisariopsis griseola, ALS, ITS, molecular identification


Angular leaf spot (ALS) symptoms were observed in 2015 in common bean fields at four locations in Asturias, NW Spain. This disease is frequent in tropical areas and we have no record of its presence in our region, at least in the last 30 years. However, since its detection its presence in the crops has been increasing. Symptoms were necrotic spots on leaves and reddish-brown to black circular spots on pods, stems, branches and petioles. The damage observed in the mentioned crops was highly variable (between 60% and 100% affected leaves), being most severe in crops where no agrochemical treatment were applied. Three strains were selected and identified based in morphological features as Pseudocercospora griseola. The ITS region was amplified by PCR obtaining a sequence that was identical for the three isolates (Acc. No. LT222499). This sequence showed 99-100% similarity with those deposited in databases corresponding to P. griseola. To fulfill Koch's postulates, a pathogenicity test was carried out in two common bean cultivars (‘Andecha’ and ‘Maruxina’). P. griseola was re-isolated from inoculated plants and not from control plants. In cv. ‘Andecha’, chlorosis was observed in all the inoculated plants, before the appearance of spots. Consequently this is the first confirmed report of this pathogen in our region.


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How to Cite
Landeras, E., Trapiello, E., Braña, M., & González, A. J. (2017). Short communication: Occurrence of angular leaf spot caused by Pseudocercospora griseola in Phaseolus vulgaris in Asturias, Spain. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 15(3), e10SC03.
Plant protection