Nitrogen uptake dynamics, yield and quality as influenced by nitrogen fertilization in ‘Piel de sapo’ melon

  • M. T. Castellanos Centro Agrario El Chaparrillo. Delegación Provincial Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. C/ Alarcos 21, 13071 Ciudad Real
  • M. J. Cabello Centro Agrario El Chaparrillo. Delegación Provincial Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. C/ Alarcos 21, 13071 Ciudad Real
  • M. C. Cartagena ETSIA-UPM. Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid
  • A. M. Tarquis ETSIA-UPM. Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid
  • A. Arce ETSIA-UPM. Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid
  • F. Ribas Centro Agrario El Chaparrillo. Delegación Provincial Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. C/ Alarcos 21, 13071 Ciudad Real
Keywords: Cucumis melo, fertilization, N distribution, N use efficiency, N removal, N in crop residues


The need to reduce nitrogen (N) fertilizer pollution strengthens the importance of improving the utilization efficiency of applied N to crops. This requires knowledge of crop N uptake characteristics and how fertilization management affects it. A three-year field experiment was conducted from May to September in central Spain to investigate the influence of different N rates, which ranged from 11 to 393 kg ha-1, applied through drip irrigation, on the dynamics of N uptake, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), fruit yield and quality of a ‘Piel de sapo’ melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho). Both N concentration and N content increased in different plant parts with the N rate. Leaves had the highest N concentration, which declined by 40-50% from 34-41 days after transplanting (DAT), while the highest N uptake rate was observed from 30-35 to 70-80 DAT, coinciding with fruit development. In each year, NUE declined with increasing N rate. With N fertilizer applications close to the optimum N rate of 90-100 kg ha-1, the fruits removed approximately 60 kg N ha-1, and the amount of N in the crop residue was about 80 kg N ha-1; this serves to replenish the organic nutrient pool in the soil and may be used by subsequent crops following mineralization.


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Author Biographies

M. T. Castellanos, Centro Agrario El Chaparrillo. Delegación Provincial Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. C/ Alarcos 21, 13071 Ciudad Real
Investigadora del Departamento de Cultivos Herbáceos
M. J. Cabello, Centro Agrario El Chaparrillo. Delegación Provincial Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. C/ Alarcos 21, 13071 Ciudad Real
Investigadora del Departamento de Cultivos Herbáceos
M. C. Cartagena, ETSIA-UPM. Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid
Catedrática. Departamento de Química y Análisis Agrícola.
A. M. Tarquis, ETSIA-UPM. Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid
Catedrática. Departamento de Matemáticas Aplicada a la Investigación Agronómica.
A. Arce, ETSIA-UPM. Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid
Profesor Titular. Departamento de Química y Análisis Agrícola.
F. Ribas, Centro Agrario El Chaparrillo. Delegación Provincial Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. C/ Alarcos 21, 13071 Ciudad Real
Coordinador del Departamento de Cultivos Herbáceos


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How to Cite
Castellanos, M. T., Cabello, M. J., Cartagena, M. C., Tarquis, A. M., Arce, A., & Ribas, F. (2012). Nitrogen uptake dynamics, yield and quality as influenced by nitrogen fertilization in ‘Piel de sapo’ melon. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(3), 756-767.
Plant production (Field and horticultural crops)