Short communication. Growth and nodulation of cowpea after 5 years of consecutive composted tannery sludge amendment

  • Ana R. L. Miranda Federal University of Piauí, Agricultural Science Center, Soil Quality Laboratory, Campus da Socopo, CEP 64000-000, Teresina, PI
  • Luis A. P. L. Nunes Federal University of Piauí, Agricultural Science Center, Soil Quality Laboratory, Campus da Socopo, CEP 64000-000, Teresina, PI
  • Mara L. J. Oliveira Federal University of Piauí, Agricultural Science Center, Soil Quality Laboratory, Campus da Socopo, CEP 64000-000, Teresina, PI
  • Wanderley J. Melo São Paulo State University, UNESP, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary , FCAV, CEP 18000-000, Jaboticabal, SP
  • Ademir S. F. Araujo Federal University of Piauí, Agricultural Science Center, Soil Quality Laboratory, Campus da Socopo, CEP 64000-000, Teresina, PI
Keywords: wastes, sandy soil, rhizobia, composting, Vigna unguiculata L.


Tannery industry releases high amounts of tannery sludge which are currently composted and used in agricultural soils. The consecutive amendment of such composted tannery sludge (CTS) may affect soil microrganisms, such as rhizobia. In this study, we evaluated the effects of 5-year repeated CTS amendment on growth, nodulation, and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) CTS was applied in different amounts (0, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 Mg/ha) to a sandy soil. Amendment of CTS increased soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium and chromium content. Plant growth, nodulation, N accumulation, and cowpea yield increased up to 10 Mg/ha; however, above this rate, these variables decreased. After 5 years of CTS amendment, the increase in soil chemical properties, particularly EC and Na content, exerted negative effects on the growth, nodulation, and yield of cowpea.


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How to Cite
Miranda, A. R. L., Nunes, L. A. P. L., Oliveira, M. L. J., Melo, W. J., & Araujo, A. S. F. (2014). Short communication. Growth and nodulation of cowpea after 5 years of consecutive composted tannery sludge amendment. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(4), 1175-1179.
Soil science